Wednesday, January 26, 2011

complex calculation with exel

Microsoft Excel has the capability to do complex calculations , but it is necessary to install
a set of Add-Ins called Analysis ToolPack.  To do this with a spreadsheet open, go to Tools,
select Add-Ins, click on the box to the left of Analysis ToolPack, and click OK.
This installs a set of functions for complex and engineering calculations.  These can be
found in the Excel Help index under "Engineering Functions" and include

COMPLEX(_,_,"j"), which makes a complex number a+bj from the values in two cells
IMABS(_), which calculates the magnitude of a complex number
IMARGUMENT(_), which calculates the radian angle of a complex number
IMSUM(_,_), which calculates the complex sum of two complex numbers
IMSUB(_,_), which calculates the complex difference of two complex numbers
IMPRODUCT(_,_), which calculates the complex product of two complex numbers
IMDIV(_,_), which calculates the complex quotient of two complex numbers
Also useful are
DEGREES(_), which converts a radian angle to degrees
RADIANS(_), which converts a degree angle to radians
(_COS(_)), which calculates the real part of a complex number's magnitude and angle
(_SIN(_)), which calculates the imaginary part of a complex number's magnitude and angle
IMREAL(_), which calculates the real part of a complex number a+bj
IMAGINARY(_), which calculates the imaginary part of a complex number a+bj

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